
Surprising Autoimmune Triggers That Most Practitioners Aren’t Looking For

Did you know that uncovering the triggers for autoimmune disease is absolutely vital for long term healing?

Luckily, having the genetics for autoimmunity doesn’t guarantee an autoimmune condition. The specific genes for autoimmunity have to be triggered by the environment. 

That is why uncovering an autoimmune trigger(s) is the first step to remission!

Health practitioners should consider all possible autoimmune triggers. However, when the trigger isn’t addressed, it can prevent healing. Unfortunately, many practitioner’s don’t consider the trigger(s) of autoimmunity. Patients in this situation are familiar with a ‘cycle’ of their symptoms. If the trigger of  symptoms is never addressed, how can the body heal?

Firstly, it is important to know that the genetics for autoimmune disease are expressed differently. Even within families. This also applies to autoimmune triggers. 

That is why it is so important to uncover the trigger(s) of an autoimmune condition!

Are you or a loved one often making the same health complaints over and over?

Once the trigger of these symptoms is uncovered, it can be removed. Finally, this allows the body to heal.

The common autoimmune triggers that most practitioners aren’t looking for:

Let’s start with mold. I see a lot of mold or biotoxin illness. Mold is one of the most overlooked triggers of autoimmunity. It is also the most common autoimmune triggers I come across.

Mold is the most difficult trigger to determine, since not all mold is visible. 

To determine if mold is a possible trigger, try a visual contrast sensitivity test. This is an easy way to take that first step to remediation. Complete a test online at https://www.vcstest.com/

Gut Pathogens are another trigger overlooked by most practitioners. Gut healing is vital in any protocol, but gut pathogens are different. Both are imperative for healing, but they are two different things.

There are gut pathogens that are specifically linked in the literature to autoimmunity. When bacteria and parasites (for example H.Pylori) are present, it is important to remove these pathogens. This must be done along with gut healing. 

Functional Medicine testing uncovers specific overgrowth, bacteria, parasites etc. We can now remove those triggers. Although autoimmune symptoms may appear similar, the root cause may be completely different. Without testing, patients risk being treated solely based on practitioner experience. Treatment must be prescribed based on personalized need, not on the experience of a practitioner.

The last trigger that I find is acknowledged, yet overlooked, is chronic stress. We all have stress in our lives, but it is hard to manage. Ignoring or dismissing stress as being insignificant makes rational sense. However, the body cannot ignore or dismiss stress. Physiologically, stress could easily be triggering autoimmune symptoms. Learning to acknowledge chronic stress and giving the body physical actions to manage stress  has huge health implications. 

Next Steps

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  • Join my Mythbusting Motherhood Group full of health inspired Supermoms on a similar journey to more vitality & fulfillment.
  • If you are interested to know how I can help you or a loved one, schedule a discovery call.
  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

If you want other Supermoms just like you to be able to access this information, this knowledge, make sure to use the share buttons below to share it with someone that means the most to you.

Genetics and Autoimmune: What every parent NEEDS to know

Do you or a family member have an autoimmune condition? Did you know that the genetics for autoimmunity are passed down to your kids? And there IS something you can do about it!

Firstly, it is important to know that the genetics for autoimmune disease are expressed differently, even within families. When a family member suffers from, for example eczema, it does not mean that is how the genetics for autoimmune will express in your child.

That is why it is so important to be on the lookout for symptoms of autoimmune in your children. 

If your family has the genes for autoimmunity, you will start to notice little symptoms in your child. In my practice I often hear complaints of tummy aches, rashes, bloating and gas. However, there are many more signs to look out for. Is your child often making the same complaints about their health?

Unfortunately, these signals are often ignored until they start to snowball into multiple chronic symptoms. But, if you think that having the genetics for autoimmune disease  makes it inevitable for your kids, that isn’t true!

Luckily, even though genetics for autoimmune disease may run in your family, it doesn’t guarantee disease. The specific genes have to be turned on or triggered by their environment. 

Even better, there is testing that you can do to avoid full blown autoimmune disease. This testing can be completed 8-10 years before any disease expresses itself. That is why it is so important for families with autoimmunity to stay attentive to the signs. This allows you to make the proactive changes needed to stay healthy.

What to do about worsening symptoms:

The first test you should be asking your health care practitioner for is a blood test known as ANA or an Anti Nuclear Antibody screen.

It detects and helps to diagnose certain autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjögren syndrome, among other types.

The second test that your practitioner should be looking at is the white blood cell count. Most likely it is in the normal range. However, looking at where the count falls within the normal range is revealing.

What to do next:

Once you have completed the testing, the next step is to look at gut health. Even though gut healing is complex, there are many simple actions you can take at home.

Eliminating items like processed foods, high sugar foods, boxed foods, processed grains and vegetable oils. The best foods for healing often include eating an adequate amount of protein and lots of plants! Leafy greens, sulfurous vegetables etc.

Most likely, you intuitively suspect the foods that are bothering your child. Start a food journal and take note of what they are eating. Now you can bring awareness to what bothers your child and what supports them. When your kid can make that connection, it is empowering. After all, they want to feel better too!

Next Steps

If you enjoyed this content, please…

  • Join my Mythbusting Motherhood Group full of health inspired Supermoms on a similar journey to more vitality & fulfillment.
  • If you are interested to know how I can help you or a loved one, schedule a discovery call.
  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

If you want other Supermoms just like you to be able to access this information, this knowledge, make sure to use the share buttons below to share it with someone that means the most to you.

Mystery Symptoms: What you need to know about Autoimmune & getting better!

Are you struggling with mystery symptoms and suspect it is linked to autoimmune?

You are not alone! Many of my patients experience mystery symptoms linked to their autoimmune condition years before any testing confirms their suspicions.

I am seeing more and more patients in my practice JUST LIKE YOU. Autoimmune conditions are quickly becoming the most common diseases I uncover in my practice.

It is possible that you aren’t yet seeing results in your testing that indicate autoimmunity. However, you may already be going down that path unknowingly if you aren’t listening to your body’s signals.

So, what you need to do to get better?
It is tough when you can’t get to the root cause of your mystery symptoms and you aren’t sure if it’s Autoimmune.

Firstly, if you have spent years of ignoring these signals, you may be stuck in a cycle of symptom management. Many of my patients are familiar with these cycles of symptoms that keep getting worse.

Secondly, you do not need an autoimmune diagnosis to know that your body is inflamed. These symptoms are the signs! Chronic inflammation is a huge contributor to chronic illness.

Luckily, there are simple and easy ways to reduce the inflammation contributing to your symptoms, regardless of the root cause(s).

Let’s tackle those mystery ‘autoimmune’ symptoms and start getting better.

BETTER SLEEP: Sleep deprivation is inflammatory to the body! The best time to go to sleep is about 10pm and you want to get up when the sun is rising. Go to bed earlier, eliminate electronics before bedtime and get up with the sun.

DECREASING STRESS: The best, easiest and cheapest way to do this is to breathe. Taking 3 or 4 big deep breaths during your day will shift you into the parasympathetic part of your nervous system where healing can take place.

INCREASING THE RIGHT FOODS AND DECREASING THE WRONG FOODS: There are two foods that we know commonly increase inflammation in everyone, and they are gluten and dairy. Removing these foods alone can have a huge impact on overall inflammation, especially over time. You also want to start eating more vegetables! Your healthy gut bacteria love to eat vegetables. Adding anti-inflammatory foods like fruits and vegetables are a great way to build a healthy gut microbiome.

Next Steps

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  • Join my Mythbusting Motherhood Group full of health inspired Supermoms on a similar journey to more vitality & fulfillment.
  • If you are interested to know how I can help you or a loved one, schedule a discovery call.
  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

If you want other Supermoms just like you to be able to access this information, this knowledge, make sure to use the share buttons below to share it with someone that means the most to you.

Toxic load: The 3 Vital Steps to Biotoxin Detoxification

Are you struggling with toxic load? It is possible that you aren’t following the proper steps to biotoxin detoxification!

Many of my patients are certain they haven’t had any exposure to mold. Or they have had it removed and are still struggling with symptoms.

No, it’s not just you! I am seeing more and more patients in my practice JUST LIKE THIS. Mold exposure is becoming one of the most common triggers of autoimmunity that I uncover in my practice. However, mold mycotoxins are actually only one of the MANY biotoxins that can create mold illness.

Today let’s focus on why you are still struggling with mold exposure.
Are you addressing your TOXIC LOAD and following the 3 vital steps to biotoxin detoxification?

Unfortunately, mold itself isn’t always the root cause of biotoxin illness. Even addressing the root cause alone does not always solve the problem. For some, the toxic burden remains.

Firstly, most conventional practitioners are not looking for biotoxin illness in the first place. If visible mold isn’t uncovered as the root cause, other causes of biotoxin illness may not even be considered at all! Why? Because biotoxin illness symptoms mirror many other conditions. The symptoms may even manifest differently due to different genetics. Biotoxin illness is only uncovered when you are testing for it. 

Secondly, there is often one more completely overlooked contributor that has  everything to do with releasing the toxic load. That is the functioning of your detoxification system!

Functional medicine considers the detoxification pathways that are specific to each individual. When the hormones that regulate inflammation are continually disrupted, it can prevent you from getting better. Sometimes, the toxic onslaught is too much causing you to get stuck in what is basically a re-toxifying cycle. The inflammation is continuously present and cannot subside. This toxic burden may already be a lot for your system to handle and you may even be more susceptible genetically. This means that you may also no longer have an inflammatory response that’s effective. You may have skin rashes, food intolerances, anger, headaches, digestive issues, and more.

The best way to uncover this information is to complete Functional Medicine testing. However ,the testing is useless without the next 3 vital steps and THAT is proper biotoxin detoxification.

Biotoxin illness is very complex and should always be done under the care of an expert. Your practitioner should be talking to you about ways to safely and properly detoxify, in combination with proper binding protocols. 

Here are my 3 Vital Steps to Biotoxin Detoxification:

  1. PROBIOTICS: Beneficial gut bacteria can bind mycotoxins and prevent them from being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. You can increase your intake of specific probiotic species to help prevent that. I highly recommend lacto and bifido factor.
  2. BILE FLOW: Support bile flow with bitter plant foods. To be removed from your body, toxins or mycotoxins need to be conjugated. This means they need to be bound to certain molecules to make them more water soluble to be excreted. So if you have insufficient bile flow, you will not be able to eliminate mycotoxins very well. A reason why one person in a family may not be suffering from mycotoxin illness and others may. It could be solely based on the ability for proper bowel flow! One of the most efficient ways to enhance bile flow is to eat bitter foods. Foodss like broccoli, plants, sprouts, radishes, dandelions, and arugula or broccoli sprouts. You can also drink organic dandelion tea or you can take an herbal bitter supplement before eating.
  3. SWEAT: Sweating hard, like when using an infrared sauna, for detox is really important. You also want to make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water, and perhaps some fiber as well to bind it. If you do find that you don’t feel well after sweating, it could be because your body is releasing toxins. At that point you want to work with a specialist to uncover the root cause, eliminate the exposure and get yourself better.

Next Steps

If you enjoyed this content, please…

  • Join my Mythbusting Motherhood Group full of health inspired Supermoms on a similar journey to more vitality & fulfillment.
  • If you are interested to know how I can help you or a loved one, schedule a discovery call.
  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

If you want other Supermoms just like you to be able to access this information, this knowledge, make sure to use the share buttons below to share it with someone that means the most to you.

Biohack Your Job From Home with These 3 Simple Tools!

Movement is life and as a society, we have never moved less than we have in the last year. Many of us have been limited in our comings and goings at numerous times, spending most of our time working from home. This lack of movement can have far greater impact on our overall health than anything we have experienced in the past.  Biohacking is about simple, easy steps for optimal health. Using a combination of movement and ergonomics, we will biohack your job from the comfort of home with these 3 simple tools in no time!

Having worked with chronic illness for many years, there is no question that chronic stress is something that I talk about with every single patient that joins my programs. Chronic stress is a major contributing factor to long term illness.

However, what many people overlook is how important small stressors are to the body and to our overall health!

Many people are falling into a pattern that eliminates these small intrinsic movements that actually give us strength, keep us healthy and are important contributions to overall health. These small daily functional movements allow our bodies to build strength and resilience. 

After a year of working from home, I would expect to see more patients than ever coming to my clinic for typical neck and shoulder pain, back pain or even wrist pain from their home office ergonomic layouts. 

What I wasn’t expecting, were the symptoms resulting from the lack of movement such as eye fatigue, digestive issues and other signs of de-conditioning! 

My biggest piece of advice: TAKE YOUR LUNCH BREAK. 

Take time away from your desk, stand up and walk around. When it comes time to eat, sit away from distractions. Sit down, take some deep breaths and enjoy your food while looking out the window or enjoying conversation with a loved one. 

Once you’ve given yourself back those little breaks in your day, the next step is to invest in a few simple tools to improve your home ergonomics. 

The following is a simple list that I recommend to my patients who are completing a lot computer work, regardless of wether it is at home or in the office.

Biohack Your Job From Home with These 3 Simple Tools:


Boyata Laptop Stand




Here is a photo to get you set up for proper alignment.


For more support, click HERE to book a virtual home office ergonomics assessment. 

Looking for other items to compliment your current set up? Check these out!
invest in TINOMAR transparent monitor stand
invest in a Rose Gold keyboard & mouse

JOIN ME LIVE every Friday at 12:30pm EST in The Bosnar Health Community Facebook Group ! To join me and my team for live events, visit our Events Page.

by Dr. Kristina Bosnar

Chiropractic Doctor with a Special Interest in Perinatal & Pediatric Care

Advanced Clinical Training from the Institute of Functional Medicine in




Cognitive Decline

as well as



My Top 5 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide for That Special Someone

A couple wrapping holiday gifts under the tree

It took me less than one minute to prepare my Top 5 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide this year.

Unique AND Healthy gift ideas have been hard to come by in the past and I have a lot of patients asking me what they should be buying for their loved ones this year. As a doctor, it is important to me that the items I recommend are going to transform your home into a healing sanctuary. Luckily there are tons of amazing companies that are doing it SO right in 2020.

SO, let’s dive into why I created my Top 5 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide!

When your loved ones are struggling with their health, the holidays can be one of the most difficult times of the year. Coming up with special gift ideas year after year is tough enough! It is even more difficult when you want to make sure that anything you buy isn’t going to aggravate a condition, contribute to bad habits or even worse…be boring!

Over the past few years I have discovered tons of healthy, exciting holiday gifts! These presents are the gifts that keeps on giving. I’ve made sure to include options at different price points. These gifts will give you exactly the response you are looking for from the people you love, while improving their health.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When applicable, some of these Amazon purchases will be supporting TWO awesome small business owners!

For healthy AND awesome gifts this year, here is

My Top 5 Healthy Holidays Gift Guide 

Beekeepers Naturals ThroatSpray

I love this spray! It’s filled with propolis and buckwheat honey and I love the kids spray even more! It is protecting and supportive of the immune system. This company has a bunch of products that everyone in my family truly loves, and tons of packaged options for multiple stocking stuffers or a whole kit for that special someone. Honestly, tons of options here for everybody!

Their cacao honey is body nourishing and healthy habit forming. Add a delicious dairy alternative to a tsp of this and you will be drinking the BEST HOT CACAO OF 2020 on a beautiful holiday morning with the whole family!

The Raw Bee Pollen is also one of our favourites to sprinkle into smoothie bowls, kombucha and more! Visit the BeeKeepers for more information.

Use PROMOCODE: bosnarhealth for 10% OFF!


I was introduced to this product by a colleague of mine. This is a thoughtful option for anyone who is looking to relax and decrease their stress. It is like a whistle that you blow and the tone of the GHZ is known as the Love Frequency. This breathing meditation device that calms the nervous system and supports being in a parasympathetic state.

INVEST IN the love tuner
The muse headband

This came out a couple of years ago and it is a biofeedback headband that you put on your head and it actually senses brainwaves, allowing you to learn to get better at meditation. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for other ways to destress and get into that relaxed state. Maybe meditation apps normally doesn’t work for them, or it takes too much time out of their day. The muse offers tons of different types and lengths of meditation. As you listen to your chosen soundtrack, the muse will offer various breathing techniques or visualizations to get you into that parasympathetic, healing state.

The Oura Ring

One of my absolute favourite biohacking purchases I made three years ago is this ring! The inside of the ring has little sensors that track biomarkers. For those of you sports enthusiasts, you may recall the NBA bubble used this tracker for a safe reopening and ended up using it as a tool to improve their game. This ring tracks heart rate variability, deep and REM sleep, average body temperature…the information it can give you is pretty amazing. For example, if you’re getting sleep, is it restful? Not only will this help level up anyone’s health, it is a great preventive tool as well.

invest in an oura ring

This is an infrared sauna…that is portable! For those of you who have looked at big wooden saunas, you know they are quite pricey. This sauna can be folded up and put away which is great for anyone who doesn’t have the room for a large sauna, like if you live in a small condo space. This sauna also heats up quickly, offers the highest absorbable far infrared of any other on the market and less EMF near or around the body than other saunas. The far infrared rays are incredible for sweating, supportive of healing, detoxifying and some research shows it can also be good for weight loss as well. This is the healing gift that really does keep on giving! 


Some of my other FAVOURITE healthy gifts include


Check out my video on December 3rd in The Bosnar Health Community Facebook Group as I do a deeper dive into these products and some of my other favourites! To join me and my team for live events, visit our Events Page.

by Dr. Kristina Bosnar

Chiropractic Doctor with a Special Interest in Perinatal & Pediatric Care

Advanced Clinical Training from the Institute of Functional Medicine in




Cognitive Decline

as well as



My Top 5 Healthy Holidays Gift Guide For Kids

Holiday gifts under a christmas tree

Welcome to my FIRST Top 5 Healthy Holidays Gift Guide for Kids!

Most of my parents are worried that they have NO IDEAS when it comes to unique and healthy holiday gifts for their kids. I have been asked for gift giving advice for years because the the gifts many kids ask for encourage or increase unhealthy habits. This is especially concerning if a family who is already struggling with health issues.

I know sometimes for parents it feels hard getting kids to adopt healthy habits at all! It is a common misconception that kids don’t like healthy but your kids will LOVE the items I include in my TOP 5 healthy holidays gift guide for kids.

The good news is that patients I see in my practice with the best outcomes are kids! 

Kids LOVE adopting healthy habits and here is why. Firstly, they don’t have habits that have solidified over decades. Secondly, kids are smart. Once they start to feel better, they learn what works for them and stick to it. Finally, kids have GREAT instincts. When a kid gets sick, they want to slow down and heal. Kids are incredibly resilient and it is important to equip them with good health early on in life.

As a Mom of three, I know how important it feels to ‘get this right’…and I can’t wait to share these great ideas with you! Unique and healthy holiday gifts should be fun and exciting for both you and your kids! 

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When applicable, some of these Amazon purchases will be supporting TWO awesome small business owners!

For healthy AND awesome gifts this year, here are

My Top 5 Healthy Holidays Gift Guide for Kids

The Benefits of Blue Blocking Glasses

The kid that loves the computer/gaming/ watching TV/their phone: Let’s face the fact that our kids are on electronics this year more than ever before. AND they love being on their electronics. If we can can buy them something that will give them a little bit more time playing on the computer, a little closer to bedtime in the healthiest way, YOU can finally fall asleep satisfied at night.The benefits of blue blocking glasses are well known and by removing the blue light emitted by screens during those pre-bedtime hours, you can protect the body and the brain from the stimulation caused by blue light. Blue light is known to affect the pineal gland. This is the gland that secretes melatonin, the hormone that helps us to fall asleep.

If you want your kids to have better sleep cycles also known as their circadian rhythm, get them the gift of these glasses! Not all brands are created equal. Rest assured that Swanwick is one of my go-to brands.

INVEST IN blue blocking glasses
Beekeepers Naturals Cacao Superfood Honey

The kid that loves SWEET TREATS: This amazing cacao superfood honey is a mix of raw wildflower honey and cacao which has been shown to contain flavonoids that help your body function and protect against everyday toxins and stressors. This product is great for boosting immune function and supporting overall immunity. It isn’t the only amazing products from Beekeepers Naturals either. This brand is currently one of the NEWEST AND COOLEST products being promoted by Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner (See the article HERE)!

One of the leading causes of chronic illness is inflammation. If we can give our loved ones something delicious that will decrease inflammation, it is a win win! 

This cacao honey is body nourishing and healthy habit forming. Add a delicious dairy alternative to a tsp of this and you will be drinking the BEST HOT CACAO OF 2020 on a beautiful holiday morning with the whole family!

The Raw Bee Pollen is also one of our favourites to sprinkle into smoothie bowls, kombucha and more! Visit the BeeKeepers for more information.

Use PROMOCODE: bosnarhealth for 10% OFF!

Living Libations Blush
Living Libations

The kid that you find wearing your makeup (whether you like it or not): It feels like only yesterday that I found my expensive all-natural lipstick in my 7 year old daughter’s purse…because it was yesterday. Kids get TONS of cheap, toxic makeup in gifts and it is time to make a change. There are tons of brands doing clean makeup so it is important to do your research and invest in something healthy (and special) for any child who is going to get their hands on some less-healthy version anyway!

This Maiden Fern Blushing Balm is the perfect 2 in 1 for any child that is rushing into makeup like a teenager. Living Libations is one of my favourite essential oil companies and offers beautiful natural and lovingly made products. This is a healthy and safe way to introduce any child to makeup (if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em). 

A himalayan salt lamp

The kid who likes their peaceful sanctuary: Looking for a calming night light for your kids room? Mood lighting is so important for setting a peaceful atmosphere. There is also emerging evidence that these lamps can reduce electrical pollution! This lamp is known for releasing negative ions into the environment, working as an air purifier. The calming light is an additional benefit and is a great way to encourage proper circadian rhythm.

The Superfood Alchemy Cookbook

The kid that does things differently: Kids LOVE to learn! Ever had a lavender blueberry smoothie? YUMMY! You will absolutely love making recipes like this with your curious kid! The recipes in this book by healthy living expert and author of over 24 cookbooks, BodySoulAlchemy’s Jennifer Iserloh, bring together nature’s strongest ingredients – superfoods, adaptogens, essential oils, and healing herbs and spices – in delicious combinations that increase their healing properties. Each chapter also shares simple home remedies, natural body treatments, and powerful rituals for wellness in body and soul. In between recipes for Buttered Brazil Nuts and the Mocha Chip Smoothie with cacao nibs, you will find recipes for a diffuser oil blend for self expression, a natural toothpaste recipe and a meditation to activate your voice.

Some of my other FAVOURITE books for kids include (yes, some of these are adult books and my 8-12 year olds LOVE them)


Check out my video on December 1st in the Bosnar Supermoms Facebook Group as I do a deeper dive into why these are my favourite products and some of my other absolutely must haves! To join me and my team for live events, visit our Events Page.

by Dr. Kristina Bosnar

Chiropractic Doctor with a Special Interest in Perinatal & Pediatric Care

Advanced Clinical Training from the Institute of Functional Medicine in




Cognitive Decline

as well as