Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids
Most of my parents are worried that they have NO IDEAS when it comes to unique and healthy holiday gifts for their kids. I have been asked for healthy holiday gift ideas for kids for years because the gifts many kids ask for encourage or increase unhealthy habits. This is especially concerning if a family who is already struggling with health issues.
I know sometimes for parents it feels hard getting kids to adopt healthy habits at all! It is a common misconception that kids don’t like healthy but your kids will LOVE the items I include in my TOP 5 healthy holiday gift ideas for kids.
The good news is that patients I see in my practice with the best outcomes are kids!
Kids LOVE adopting healthy habits and here is why. Firstly, they don’t have habits that have solidified over decades. Secondly, kids are smart. Once they start to feel better, they learn what works for them and stick to it. Finally, kids have GREAT instincts. When a kid gets sick, they want to slow down and heal. Kids are incredibly resilient and it is important to equip them with good health early on in life.
As a Mom of three, I know how important it feels to ‘get this right’…and I can’t wait to share these great ideas with you! Unique and healthy holiday gifts should be fun and exciting for both you and your kids!
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For healthy AND awesome gifts this year, here are
My Top 5 Healthy Holidays Gift Guide for Kids

The kid that loves the computer/gaming/ watching TV/their phone: Let’s face the fact that our kids are on electronics this year more than ever before. AND they love being on their electronics. If we can can buy them something that will give them a little bit more time playing on the computer, a little closer to bedtime in the healthiest way, YOU can finally fall asleep satisfied at night.The benefits of blue blocking glasses are well known and by removing the blue light emitted by screens during those pre-bedtime hours, you can protect the body and the brain from the stimulation caused by blue light. Blue light is known to affect the pineal gland. This is the gland that secretes melatonin, the hormone that helps us to fall asleep.
If you want your kids to have better sleep cycles also known as their circadian rhythm, get them the gift of these glasses! Not all brands are created equal. Rest assured that Swanwick is one of my go-to brands.

The kid that loves SWEET TREATS: This amazing cacao superfood honey is a mix of raw wildflower honey and cacao which has been shown to contain flavonoids that help your body function and protect against everyday toxins and stressors. This product is great for boosting immune function and supporting overall immunity. It isn’t the only amazing products from Beekeepers Naturals either. This brand is currently one of the NEWEST AND COOLEST products being promoted by Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner (See the article HERE)!
One of the leading causes of chronic illness is inflammation. If we can give our loved ones something delicious that will decrease inflammation, it is a win win!
This cacao honey is body nourishing and healthy habit forming. Add a delicious dairy alternative to a tsp of this and you will be drinking the BEST HOT CACAO OF 2020 on a beautiful holiday morning with the whole family!
The Raw Bee Pollen is also one of our favourites to sprinkle into smoothie bowls, kombucha and more! Visit the BeeKeepers for more information.
Use PROMOCODE: bosnarhealth for 10% OFF!

Living Libations
The kid that you find wearing your makeup (whether you like it or not): It feels like only yesterday that I found my expensive all-natural lipstick in my 7 year old daughter’s purse…because it was yesterday. Kids get TONS of cheap, toxic makeup in gifts and it is time to make a change. There are tons of brands doing clean makeup so it is important to do your research and invest in something healthy (and special) for any child who is going to get their hands on some less-healthy version anyway!
This Maiden Fern Blushing Balm is the perfect 2 in 1 for any child that is rushing into makeup like a teenager. Living Libations is one of my favourite essential oil companies and offers beautiful natural and lovingly made products. This is a healthy and safe way to introduce any child to makeup (if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em).

The kid who likes their peaceful sanctuary: Looking for a calming night light for your kids room? Mood lighting is so important for setting a peaceful atmosphere. There is also emerging evidence that these lamps can reduce electrical pollution! This lamp is known for releasing negative ions into the environment, working as an air purifier. The calming light is an additional benefit and is a great way to encourage proper circadian rhythm.

The kid that does things differently: Kids LOVE to learn! Ever had a lavender blueberry smoothie? YUMMY! You will absolutely love making recipes like this with your curious kid! The recipes in this book by healthy living expert and author of over 24 cookbooks, BodySoulAlchemy’s Jennifer Iserloh, bring together nature’s strongest ingredients – superfoods, adaptogens, essential oils, and healing herbs and spices – in delicious combinations that increase their healing properties. Each chapter also shares simple home remedies, natural body treatments, and powerful rituals for wellness in body and soul. In between recipes for Buttered Brazil Nuts and the Mocha Chip Smoothie with cacao nibs, you will find recipes for a diffuser oil blend for self expression, a natural toothpaste recipe and a meditation to activate your voice.
Some of my other FAVOURITE books for kids include (yes, some of these are adult books and my 8-12 year olds LOVE them)
Check out my YouTube channel where I do a deeper dive into my favourite health topics. To join me and my team for live events, visit our Events Page.
by Dr. Kristina Bosnar
Chiropractic Doctor with a Special Interest in Perinatal & Pediatric Care
Advanced Clinical Training from the Institute of Functional Medicine in
Cognitive Decline
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